Sunday, April 12, 2009

Observation #27 - More Flying

Well, tomorrow I'm off again, this time to Butte MT. Again, Butte is one of my favorite places , just hate getting there as once again I need to fly the dreaded CRJ200 regional jet. I eluded to this on an earlier post, but my scariest experience flying happened in Butte. First off, the airport is called Bert Moody Airport, how can you take an airport with that name seriously? It's a small airport with one gate, yes one gate but it is a nice gate.

I had finished the week and had boarded my flight home. It was a small crowd so on these small jets they need to move everyone to the back to get the center of gravity right, don't really care for that. So anywho, we left the gate and we get to the runway and power up and away we go. Just before the front wheel gets off the ground the pilot shuts it down, slams the nose back down and stands on the brakes, thought maybe there were some sheep on the runway. We barely made the last turnout and in fact the right wheel which I was sitting over missed the tarmac and went over the grass.

As we were headed back to "the" gate, the pilot came on and said he had a couple of warning lights he did not understand so he wanted to go back to "the" gate and call maintenance. Plus, he wanted to have someone look at the right wheel as it came off the runway. So we park at "the" gate and some guy in a brown 1967 ford pick up wearing filthy overalls and a Cessna cap walks under the wing, shakes the landing gear and gives the pilot a thumbs up and away we go. The pilot taxied back to the runway and we all thought he was going to run up the engines but instead he takes off. All 15 of us spent the next 45 minutes listening to every noise that plane made. After landing the pilot finally explained the issue, would have been nice if he had done it before we took off.............

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