Thursday, April 23, 2009

Observation #32 - World's Worst Idea

I can't believe what I saw on the news tonight, so much so I had to look it up on line to see if it was true. It has to be the worst decision ever made by a software designer, executive or company. I hope I don't offend anyone bringing this up.

I'm talking about the "shaken baby" application on the iPod. Are you serious???? Who in their right mind would think it was a good idea to add a software application to a cell phone that brings up a crying baby and gives the holder of the phone an opportunity to "shake the baby" until two red x's show up over the baby's eyes. Is that the sickest thing you've ever heard of?

What idiot wrote that application, and what idiot decided to suggest to their boss to make it available and most importantly what idiot said " hey, wait a minute, that shaken baby thing, that's a good idea!". If no one gets fired over this there is no sanity left in corporate America.

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