Thursday, April 16, 2009

Observation #29 - Veternarians

I think Vets have the best racket going. I know there are times when they are a necessary evil to keep our pets healthy, but I still think they have a pretty good thing going.

We had to take our little poodles in for a teeth cleaning, wanted to make sure that their teeth were in it for the long run. Should have known better, after a couple of hours we got the call. The call was the "your dogs need to have some teeth pulled" call, eight to be exact. It's not like you can say no, what kind of person would refuse treatment for poor little poodles unable to help themselves? That's the kind of reputation that could stick you know.

These two poodles are aged 3 & 4, how bad could their teeth be? They don't get candy or sweets and they don't get an allowance so they can't sneak out of the house a go to the local 7-Eleven to get their own. How did their teeth rot. At this rate they'll have no teeth left in a few years. Needless to say, $660 dollars later we walked out with two bags including antibiotics, pain pills and two baggies with their teeth. Why would hey give me the teeth? It's not like I'm going to put them under their dog pillow and hope for a quarter, nor do I plan on making any jewelery out of them.

Anyone want some slightly used toy poodle teeth?

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