Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Observation #3 - Doctors

Doctors take a keen interest to a guy's body when you turn 50. When you're younger and you go to see a Doctor it was more of a listen to your heart & lungs, check your eyes, ears, nose , throat and turn your head and cough kind of thing. But when you turn 50 it's like the doctors have a manual that says "we must now look at other organs that we have never been interested in before."

Problem is, these organs are not located where they can readily be seen and they must not make noise because he can't listen to them either. To make things worse, some can't even be seen by x-ray and need to be "felt and not seen". On a side note to all the men reading this, if your doctor says you have an enlarged prostate, don't thank him for the compliment.

Also at 50, there are places they would like to put a camera that should never get that kind of exposure. These pictures will never make you famous so don't post them on the Internet and they're not anything you want to show your friends at your next dinner party.
Unfortunately these are necessary evils, but I don't have to like it. In fact I'm fairly confident and very hopeful that my mind will do it's job and block these memories and I will never speak of them again...... until my next physical, oh crap.

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